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Quaker News

This page displays recent News items. Older News is stored in the originating MM or Committee pages. Use the search bar to locate old news items.

This month we were delighted to welcome Ashley Macmillan and Grant Galbreath into membership.

The Rainbow Warriors of Waiheke Island is a  film by Suzanne Raes, made in 2009.

Several Dunedin Quakers took part in an event to mark the 76th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing on 6th August.

Two Dunedin Quakers, Elizabeth Duke and Elizabeth Thompson, have again participated in Christian World Service's Operation Refugee

Listen to Ashley Macmillan, Dunedin Monthly Meeting's newest member, and Murray Short, long-standing Friend and former Clerk of Quakers in Aotearoa New Zealand

John Osmers worked in Zambia to support and fund the education of refugees, especially those from Rwanda. This memorial fund has continued his work since his death in June 2021. Additional contributions are always welcome.

Quaker beliefs have much to offer as the world faces the challenge of making radical change to reverse the environmental degradation caused by human behaviour. 

Hear Anjum Rahman: STORIES of BELONGING - A Journey Across Aotearoa

Free public lecture presented by Anjum Rahman
on Saturday 15th May, 7pm
Kauri Hall, El Rancho, Waikanae

Refreshments provided.

A letter has been sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nanaia Mahuta, and all Members of Parliament, expressing our support for her inaugural foreign policy speech and including questions on th

The Nelson Quaker Embroidery sets out to tell the history of Nelson (Whakatū) Friends (Quakers), from its beginnings in seventeenth-century England to the present day.