Editorial Policy
A team of voluntary editors produce the bi-monthly newsletter. One Friend does the layout and organises the printing.
Publication Deadlines:
The date by which copy must be received is advertised in the previous issue.
All submissions will be acknowledged.
Please contact us if you do not receive acknowledgement: editor@newsletter.quakers.nz
Articles, poems and reports may be submitted for publication. Submissions may be edited.
Word counts (without illustrations) are:
- full page = 750 words
- double page = 1600 words.
Accepted file suffixes include: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf. or .odt.
Images should be high resolution files suffixed: .jpg, .tif, or .eps.
Wherever possible please ensure that everyone in your photo has agreed to have their image appear in the publication.
Postal correspondence:
Aotearoa New Zealand Friends Newsletter
c/- Auckland Friends Centre,
115 Mt Eden Road,
Auckland 1024.
Direct email correspondence to: editor@newsletter.quakers.nz