International Quaker Links

- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) International
- Quakers Australia have two websites one for enquirers which covers Being a Quaker, Quaker Faith and Values, and Quakers Speaking about why they joined. It also gives links to the main Quaker website used by Australian Quakers which offers a deeper exploration and understanding. The main website has a login for Members and Attenders which gives access to even more information.
- Friends Journal
- FWCC (Friends World Committee for Consultation) world site
- FWCC Asia West Pacific Section (our section)
- QuakerSpeak: Short videos of interviews: a collaboration between Friends Journal, Friends General Conference, Quaker Voluntary Service, and Quaker artist Jon Watts.
- Quaker Speak Youtube
- Quaker Music
- Quakers in Australia
- Silver Wattle
A Quaker centre in Australia, established in 2009. - Quakers in the World: Contains a searchable database of individual Quakers and their actions, along with ideas for educators.
- Peace Movement Aotearoa (PMA)
- QUNO (Quaker United Nations Organisation)
- Friends (Quakers) in Great Britain, with directory of meetings and other information.
- Pendle Hill was established in 1930 as a Quaker study center in Pennsylvania
- Links and information from Woodbrooke – the Quaker study centre in Birmingham, UK
- Your Faith, Your Finance: A place to explore ethical and spiritual issues around the use of money. Published jointly by the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR), and Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) of Britain Yearly Meeting:
- Overseas Blog Sites - Quakers in Britain on Twitter
- Quaker Universalist Group - UK
A way to study and work together with others to create a better world.
- European Quaker Sites on Sustainability
QCEA – Quaker Council for European Affairs
QCEA Briefing Papers on energy
QCEA Sustainable Production and Consumption Action Plan
Benefits of Efficiency Woodbrooke Good Lives Blog