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Quaker Oral Histories



The selection of the Friends to be interviewed and the number and spread of interviews is made by the oral historian, who seeks advice from Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups as appropriate (and receives suggestions from the same). The current policy is to interview Friends whose present or past contributions to society have been influenced by their Quaker commitments. Those interviewed may be of any age, though there has usually been a weighting towards older Friends whose stories should not be lost. There is also a case for interviewing younger Friends who might be re-interviewed later in their lives. Contact the Oral Historians for further information or interviewee suggestions: oral-historian@ym.quakers.nz

The full list of those Friends interviewed so far is given here. The recordings are available through Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre and some Monthly Meeting libraries.

Some of these recordings are subject to access restrictions detailed in the recording agreement signed with the interviewee. 

There are no transcripts. Abstracts are available from oral-historian@ym.quakers.nz.  

The Interview Process

There is a full description of the process of doing an oral history in the Oral Historian job description.

Recording agreement

The recording agreement is a legal document which sets out the conditions on which recordings and files can be accessed. The agreement is made with the interviewee. The example template given shows the various ways an agreement can be varied to suit the wishes of the interviewee. The agreement gives interviewees total control over what happens to their interviews.


Oral Histories Interview List

First Name Last Name Monthly Meeting Recording Location Interview Date Notes
Jean Anderson Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting (MNI) Alexander Turnbull Library 2011
Peggy Ashton Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 1993
Ann Baily Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 2002, 2020
Roger Baily Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Enid Bloomfield Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2004
James Brodie Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 1997 This is an interview about Audrey Brodie dated 1997
James Brodie Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Angela Brusse Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Muriel Bull Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1991
Albie Burgers Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Golden Bay Worship Group, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2018
Joan Cameron Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Eric and Connie Camfield Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1999 Constance (Connie) Camfield previously interviewed, so in this interview Eric and Constance combine to describe their work with the Society of Friends (Quakers) in New Zealand.
Constance (Connie) Camfield Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Derek Carver Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2014 Interview conducted as part of mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes
Margaret Caverhill Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2003
Judith Child Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2000
Kevin Clements Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Dunedin Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2013
Peni Connolly Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2015
Barbara Curtis Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2019
Brian Curtis Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2022
Hilda Daw Kāpiti Monthly Meeting (KP) (Archived) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2016 Kāpiti Monthly Meeting is now a Worship Group in Wellington Monthly Meeting.
Dirk De Lu Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2014 Interview conducted as part of mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes
Edward Bruce Dickinson Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Vera Dickinson Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Kathleen Douglas Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Malcolm Douglass Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Stephanie du Fresne Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2014
Elizabeth Duke Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Dunedin Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2014
Anna Dunford Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Northern Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2013
Penelope Dunkley Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Northern Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2012 Penelope was also an interviewer for many of the Quaker Oral History Interviews.
Marjorie Dyson Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Lyn Edward Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2014 Interview conducted as part of mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes
David Elms Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2015
Margaret Elphick Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2019
Leslie and Daphne Erasmus Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2014
Daphne Erasmus Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2001
Ruth Fawell Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2000 Ruth's daughter, Ann Perry, was interviewed about her mother's life.
Betty Fowler Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Claudia Fox Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1993
Ruth Gadgil Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting (MNI) Alexander Turnbull Library, Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2012
Joan Garman Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2003
Christina Gibb Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Dunedin Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library 2012
Myra Giese Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Alan Gilderdale Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2000
Hilda Gill Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 1991
Egerton Gill Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1991 Hilda Gill, Margaret West and Athol Jackson talk about Egerton Gill, an active member of the Religious Society of Friends.
Christine Gillespie Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Nelson Recognised Meeting, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2018
Derry Gordon Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2022
Elizabeth Gordon Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2022
Russell Gregory Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1990 Initial interview conducted by Katherine Knight. Claire and Linley Gregory completed the interview at a later date (c1991)
Linley Gregory Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Northern Monthly Meeting Library 2017, 2019 The first interview is held in the Turnbull Library, the Northern Monthly Meeting Library, and the Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre. The second is only held at the Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre. The 2017 interview was with Claire Gregory and Rachel Jackson on growing up in Mt Eden Meeting.
Claire Gregory Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2017 Interview on growing up in Mt Eden Meeting with Claire Gregory, Linley Gregory, and Rachel Jackson
Jan-Louise Hamblyn Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Whanganui Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Archive and Resource Centre 2019
Suzanna Hartveld Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Volker Heine Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Margaret Daphne Heine Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Brylin Highton Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2022
John Highton Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2022
Margaret Highton Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2021
Margaret Hockey Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2021
Robert Howell Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2011
Gael Howell Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Resource Centre and Library, Northern Monthly Meeting 2014
Marvin Hubbard Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Dunedin Monthly Meeting 2013
Helen Hughes Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Wellington Monthy Meeting Library 2000
Athol Jackson Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1990
Rachel Jackson Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2017 Interviewed with Claire Gregory and Linley Gregory on growing up in Mt Eden Meeting.
David James Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 2010
Sandra Jones Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Wellington Monthly Meeting Library 2022
Helen Kingston Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Christchurch Monthly Meeting, Golden Bay Worship Group 2015
Katherine Knight Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1992
Kay Knowles Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2015
Freda Larsen Palmerston North Monthly Meeting (PN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Palmerston North Monthly Meeting 2018
Margaret Leslie Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 1998 No Monthly Meeting was given but the Turnbull record shows her living in Taranaki.
Margaret Lewis Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1994
Ina Livingston Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2020
Peter Low Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Elaine Ludwig Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2011
Philip Macdiarmid Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting (MNI) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Phoebe Macdiarmid Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting (MNI) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2003, 2022 There are two interviews with Phoebe. The second interview is held in the Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, but not in Turnbull.
Diana Madgin Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2014 Interviewed with Bill Wilmott as part of a mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes.
Barbara McEwan Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2017
John McMahon Alexander Turnbull Library 2003 Member of Australia Yearly Meeting, Victoria Regional Meeting.
Winifred McNaughton Yearly Meeting Archives Date of interview and Monthly Meeting unknown
Glen Metcalf Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2016 Interview over three sessions, one in 2017.
Margaret Mouat-Carver Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2014 Interview conducted as part of mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes
Neil Mountier Kāpiti Monthly Meeting (KP) (Archived) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Barbara Mountier Kāpiti Monthly Meeting (KP) (Archived) Alexander Turnbull Library 1997, 2002 The Turnbull link is to the 2002 interview. There is no record in the Turnbull catalogue of a 1997 interview.
Josephine Moxon Kāpiti Monthly Meeting (KP) (Archived) Alexander Turnbull Library 2003
Elizabeth Noordhof Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Peg Norris Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2015
Thomas Owen Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Northern Monthly Meeting 2013
Viola Palmer Kāpiti Monthly Meeting (KP) (Archived) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2017
Michael Payne Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Ann Perry Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2000 An interview with Ann about her mother, Ruth Fawell.
Alan Perry Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2023
Helen Perry Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2023
Llyn Richards Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2003
Jos Rossell Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2021
Beverley Shalders Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) 2015
Murray Short Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Wellington Monthly Meeting 2021
Phyllis Short Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 1998, 2000 Only the 1998 interview is held. We are trying to find the location of the 2000 interview
Judith Simpson Wellington Monthly Meeting (WN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Don (Errol) Smart Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2004
Elizabeth Smith Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Date of the interview unknown and the location of recordings unknown. We are trying to locate the recordings.
Kenneth Staynes Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Mia Tay Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Tony Taylor Kāpiti Monthly Meeting (KP) (Archived) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Elizabeth Thompson Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2022
Richard Thompson Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 1999
Rosemary Tredgold Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2014, 2021 The second interview was part of a mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes.
Peter Watson Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre, Whanganui Monthly Meeting 2016
Patricia Waugh Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting (MNI) Alexander Turnbull Library 2004
David Waugh Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting (MNI) Alexander Turnbull Library 2004
Arthur Wells Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2015
Margaret West Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Alexander Turnbull Library, Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1991, 2002
Patrice White Alexander Turnbull Library, Yearly Meeting Archives 1997
Bill Wilmott Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting 2014 Interview conducted as part of mini-project with Christchurch Monthly Meeting focused on the earthquakes.
Linda Wilson Dunedin Monthly Meeting (DN) Alexander Turnbull Library, Mid-North Island Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2012, 2016 The 2012 interview is only held in Turnbull. The 2016 interview is held in Turnbull, her Monthly Meeting and in the Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre. At the time of the 2016 interview, she was listed as part of the Mid-North Island Meeting.
Michael Wiltshire Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 2002
Michael Winter Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library 2016
Jack Woodward Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Northern Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2021
Mary Woodward Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library 2001
Jillian Wychel Whanganui Monthly Meeting (WG) Alexander Turnbull Library 2010
Lesley Young Northern Monthly Meeting (NT) Alexander Turnbull Library, Northern Monthly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2018
Howard Zuses Alexander Turnbull Library 2010 USA Quaker
Rosalind Zuses Alexander Turnbull Library 2010 USA Quaker
Jude Zwanikken Christchurch Monthly Meeting (CH) Alexander Turnbull Library, Christchurch Monthly Meeting, Golden Bay Worship Group, Yearly Meeting Library and Resource Centre 2015 Golden Bay Worship Group