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Quaker News

This page displays recent News items. Older News is stored in the originating MM or Committee pages. Use the search bar to locate old news items.

All Age Worship based on a Faith and Play story was an exciting part of our online Yearly Meeting for 2022.  


In her bright green tutu Elizabeth and members of Nelsust (Nelson Sustainable Transport group) drew a large crowd of cyclists and walkers to the Church Steps at the beginning of May to call for an

Monday 25th April 2022 12pm - 1pm Church Steps Nelson

Honour the war dead by ending war. Please come to add your voice against the abomination of war.


The Quaker Treaty Relationships Group are delighted to offer a new publication 'Quaker Meeting and Me', a small book for children to introduce them

Quakers have been active in the Forum since its beginning 2 years ago. Now our Meeting has become an associated organisation of the Forum.

Quakers in Nelson have resolved the dilemma of being divided by vaccination status.

Dunedin Quakers gathered after Meeting for Worship on 31st October to plant a young tōtara tree as a "tree of hope" in their Meeting House garden.

A group of Whanganui Quakers gathered at the Quaker Settlement to make a banner to display outside the Meeting House in Wicksteed St, promoting public awareness of  COP 26.

Fridtjof, devoted Quaker and treasured member of Taranaki Monthly Meeting and strong supporter of its founding in 2018, died peacefully at home on 15 September 2021 after a long battle with cancer.

The Co-Clerks of the Yearly Meeting of Aotearoa New Zealand endorsed this Statement to the Government from the Religious Leaders and Interfaith Groups of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Stateme