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Junior Young Friends

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This page is for the use of the Junior Young Friends (JYF) local arrangements committee to store minutes and any other documents relevant to the running of JYF camps each year.

Junior Young Friends are aged 13 to 17.

Annual Gatherings are held around the country hosted by different Monthly Meetings.

The purpose of these gatherings is to bring Quaker teenagers together at the age at which many disappear from Meetings. This is an opportunity to help them understand some Quaker philosophy and activities, give them an experience in a Quaker group, as well as an opportunity to get to know each other and have a good time doing things together. JYFs are encouraged to participate in daily Meeting for Worship, Business Meeting, a work programme and writing the epistle.

A theme is usually tied to a gathering. This creates a focus for discussions and workshops. Young Friends as well as several adults, help to organize the event and take the role of leaders during the gathering. Young Friends leaders make sure that the day-to-day activities take place.

The gathering structure is generally to have sessions in the morning with talks/activities drawing on Quaker values, attitudes, concerns and/or history. This is a time to talk at a deeper level. Afternoons have a variety of more social activities, such as crafts, community help, visits to places of interest, films, shopping etc.


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