The Quaker Peace and Service Committee, also known as QPSANZ, funds a range of groups and activities which align with its peace and service mission.
The fund makes regular annual grants to several organisations involved in service and peace work in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas including:
Local Peace Grants (up to $1,000) to support peacebuilding activities in Aotearoa New Zealand by Quakers or non-Quakers.
Click here for more information and application forms.The Loxley Award (up to $15,000) to assist New Zealanders (Quakers or non-Quakers) who wish to undertake a project which promotes understanding of peace, justice and environmental issues in Aotearoa New Zealand or abroad.
Click here for more information and application forms.
To see past Award winners click here- The Young Friends Internship is designed to provide support for Young Friends with living expenses while undertaking work that promotes, peace, social justice, environmental sustainability .
Click here for more about our mission and funding.
Link to the QPS Trust Constitution and Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives (SIPO) - viewable by logged in Friends only.