About Our Mission and Funding
Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa New Zealand is a permanent committee of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Our mission:
- To give practical support to and raise funds for the social concerns of Quakers in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas.
To assist groups struggling for justice and peace in order to promote fulfilling and creative relations between all people.
- To respond to emergencies and to work for the relief of material and spiritual suffering everywhere.
- To uphold the Society's peace testimony and facilitate reflections on ways in which Quakers and others might give practical expression to the peace testimony.
- To support individual objections to war, promote arms control and all moves towards general and complete disarmament; to work for trust, confidence and common security between all nations.
- To have an openness to and to cooperate with other Aotearoa New Zealand groups working for peace and justice and to facilitate the closest possible cooperation with Quaker peace and service agencies overseas.
What does QPSANZ do?
QPSANZ corresponds with MPs and others, to promote a Quaker view of current events and to urge the government to act in promoting peaceful resolutions to the conflicts in the world. It works with other agencies such as Peace Movement Aotearoa and Christian World Service to promote peace activities and provide disaster relief, as outlined in the objectives above.
QPSANZ funds a range of groups and activities which align with its mission.
QPSANZ works in concert with the Quaker Peace and Service Trust, which holds and manages the large bequests donated to QPSANZ to provide an annual income for its work.
How we provide funding:
QPSANZ makes regular annual grants to a number of organisations involved in service and peace work in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas.
QPSANZ makes Local Peace Grants of up to $1,000 to support peacebuilding activities in Aotearoa New Zealand.
QPSANZ awards an annual scholarship, known as the Loxley Award, of up to $15,000 to assist New Zealanders, Quakers or nonQuakers, to undertake a study programme or project of their choosing, in Aotearoa New Zealand or abroad, which promotes understanding of peace, justice and environmental issues.
QPSANZ also acts as a conduit for those wishing to donate money to a specific individual or organisation with a relationship with QPSANZ through peace or service activity.
Decision dates:
In order to balance competing needs, and discern the best use of the money entrusted to it, QPSANZ makes decisions on funding at three of its monthly meetings, rather than responding to requests ad hoc, except in emergency situations.
- Decisions on Local Peace Grants are made at the May and November meetings (see application form for details)
- Decisions on regular grants are made at the October meeting (application deadline September 15th)
- Decisions on the Loxley award is made at the November meeting.
Application forms for local peace grants and the Loxley award are attached below.
How Can I Help QPSANZ?
You can help QPSANZ achieve its goals by three different means:
1. Be nominated by your local meeting for a role on the committee or Trust.
2. Donate money for our work, either with regular contributions or one-off donations. See details below.
3. Leave a bequest for the work of the QPSANZ in your will. Contact: clerk@qpsanz.quakers.nz
Banking details
QPSANZ welcomes donations to further their work.
QPSANZ account is Kiwibank 38 9004 0795614 01
Contributions over $5 are tax deductable, within IRD limits.
Charitable Status
QPSANZ has charitable status with the Inland Revenue Department, so all donations of $5.00 or more and provided for QPSANZ’s work, or for a nominated use in NZ, allow donors to claim a tax rebate.
Local Peace Grants
QPSANZ's "Local Peace Grants" try to boost the morale and the finances of small groups in NZ seeking to strengthen peace, cooperation and understanding, often on the grassroots level. The aim of the grant is inspired by the local/global thinking of Maggie Glover, the English-born peace artist who settled here.
The availability of local peace grants is advertised through Peace Movement Aotearoa. Otherwise, QPSANZ advertises its grants only through Quakers, and so we rely on Friends to let appropriate groups or individuals know that financial support may be available for their peace or service work, and/or to let QPSANZ know of peace or service work you think we might appropriately support, in Aotearoa New Zealand or elsewhere in the world, with a particular priority for the Pacific region.
There is some overlap between the work of QPSANZ, Testimonies Committee, and Futures Committee. Please talk to your local Quaker Meeting, or contact the clerk of one of the committees, if you are looking for funding for a specific project but are unsure where your project might best fit.
Click on the following links to download Word files to your computer:
Local Peace Grant Application Form
Loxley Award
The Loxley Award has been established to assist New Zealanders, Quakers or non-Quakers, to undertake a study programme or project of their choosing, in New Zealand or abroad, which promotes understanding of peace, justice and environmental issues.
- To see past Award winners click here
Applications close 15 November each year.
Click on the following links to download the application package for the Loxley award, including instructions and referral forms:
For more information contact: clerk@qpsanz.quakers.nz
Liz Remmerswaal and others from Australasia's Women's International League for Peace and Freedom presenting an olive tree for peace during Anzac commemorations. QPSANZ supported her participation in the WILPS centennial conference and congress.