.Home > Engage / Whakauru > Quaker Peace and Service (QPSANZ) > Local Peace Grant Applications Deadline has been Extended to September 30th!

Local Peace Grant Applications Deadline has been Extended to September 30th!

QPSANZ accepts applications for local peace grants twice a year and the deadline for the September round is coming up on September 15th but as we have not received any applications yet we have decided to extend the deadline to September 30th.

Please download an application package under the grants available tab at the top of the main website page.

The grants are for up to $1000 for projects that promote peace. Note that the application has been simplified and we now require only written references to be included with the applications, and everything is handled via email. Please see the application package for all the details. 

If you are aware of any groups that need funding of this sort, Quaker or non-Quaker, please pass this invitation to them. The application is available to all without the need to log in.

We would love to hear from you!