Quaker Circle for the Quaker Curious
Our outreach for 2018 is to hire a meeting room for the 2nd Sunday of the month and promote it as an event in the local Midweek Taranaki What's On pages and the New Plymouth Disrtict Council website in the What's On section. The event is called a Quaker Circle for the Quaker Curious offering a welcome with a pamphlet for newcomers, the experience of Quaker Silence, followed by a question and answer session and concluding with a social time over refreshments of home baking and fresh coffee or choice of tea. The circle is both literal, as we sit in a circle, and a metaphor for the circle of Friendship being nurtured.
The venue is at the Adult Literacy rooms at 99 Liardet Street CBD New Plymouth at 10 am every 2nd Sunday of the month except January. New comers welcome.