Yearly Meeting 2022

Thursday, 28 April 2022 - Sunday, 01 May 2022


Yearly Meeting 2022 is completed.  This is an archive record.


Last Updated 31 March 2022

Yearly Meeting was planned to be held at St Bede's College, Christchurch.  However following consultation with Monthly Meetings, Standing Committee has agreed that YM 2022 will now be a Zoom only gathering.  In the current context of the pandemic, a significant number of Friends throughout the country are unwilling or unable to attend in person, so in the light of the need to care for our community and to be as inclusive as possible, the decision has been made to hold this Yearly Meeting via Zoom only. This will be a different experience for us all.  

The timing remains approximately as planned for the in-person gathering, i.e. beginning on the evening of Thursday 28 April and finishing some time on Sunday 1 May.  There may in addition be some preparation sessions beforehand, filling a similar role to the usual “Preparation Day”, helping us to approach Yearly Meeting with “hearts and minds prepared”.  There will be a session for first-timers.

Zoom Upskilling

We would encourage everyone attending YM 2022 to “upskill” themselves in the use of Zoom before YM 2022.  To assist with this Michael Searle and Ronis Chapman are offering a number of Zoom upskilling sessions, on

Tuesday 5 April                       1:30 to 3:00 pm.

Monday 11 April                      7:00 to 8:30 pm

Wednesday 20 April                1:00 to 2:30 pm

Tuesday 26 April                     7:00 to 8:30 pm

Sessions will cover skills that are very useful/necessary for all participants in Zoom meetings. Everyone will learn something. There will be fun!  The link for all the sessions is Contact Ronis ( or Michael ( if you have any questions.

Attendance by Zoom

We would encourage Friends to connect to YM2022 as individuals or couples on a single computer, rather than bigger groups.  There are two reasons for this:

•  One of the great things about Yearly Meeting is that it provides an opportunity for interacting and building community with other Quakers around Aotearoa New Zealand.  The programme will include opportunities for online social interaction, and if you join as a bigger group you will interact more with those in your group than Friends elsewhere. 

•  Bigger groups joining via a single computer makes it more difficult to conduct a Meeting for Worship for Business using Zoom. For example, it can be difficult to identify who in the group wishes to speak.

If Friends do wish to join as a bigger group, could someone from the group please contact Michael Searle ( for advice on how this can best be done.

Registration for YM 2022 and payment

You will still need to register.  Please register by 10 April (final deadline) using the online registration form here.  There are costs associated with running a YM online, so you are requested to make a contribution of $20, but registrations will be accepted without payment. Payment can be made by internet banking to Westpac, account 03-1599-0010444-001. Please put your surname for the particulars and YM2022 as the reference.  If you have any queries about registration please email them to  


The programme for Yearly Meeting has been reduced to help limit “Zoom fatigue”.  We plan not more than three 1½ hour sessions per day, each followed by an opportunity for online social interaction with other Friends around Aotearoa New Zealand.  The content will be informed by the Documents in Advance, White Papers and Gold Papers process as planned.

Preparation sessions, available to all those registered, are being offered on Thursday morning to help Friends approach Yearly Meeting “with Hearts and Minds Prepared”.

All age Meeting for Worship:  Meeting for Worship on the Sunday of YM (1 May) will be a semi-programmed all age Meeting for Worship.  Having YM online is a good opportunity to have families join with YM comparatively easily.  We encourage all ages, including children and families, to attend.  Details will follow closer to the time.  This Meeting for Worship is open to everyone – no registration required.

The proposed Yearly Meeting programme is:

Thursday 28 April

9:00 – 12:00 am                                              Preparation day Sessions

7:00 – 8:30 pm                                                Yearly Meeting Session

8:30 pm                                                           First Timers’ Session

Friday 29 April

7:00 – 8:30 pm                                                Yearly Meeting Session

Saturday 30 April

10:00 – 11:30 am                                            Yearly Meeting Session

2:00 – 3:30 pm                                                Yearly Meeting Session

7:00 – 8:30 pm                                                Yearly Meeting Session

Sunday 1 May

10:00 – 11:00 am                                            All Age Worship (open to all – no registration necessary)

2:00 – 3:30 pm                                                Yearly Meeting Session

7:00 – 8:30 pm                                                Yearly Meeting Session

Associated Meetings:

Monday 25 April        7:00 – 8:30 pm            Standing Committee

Friday 29 April           1.30 – 3.30pm             Spiritual and Pastoral Care Committees Meeting

Friday 29 April           10:30 – 11:30 am        Respect and Safety Meeting

Saturday 30 April      4:00 – 5:00 pm             Revising Faith and Practice

For logged in users, more Information about sessions not requiring registration (i.e. associated meetings and the All Age Worship), including access to Zoom links, is provided here.  For those who have registered, the link for attending other sessions will be provided in a information pack emailed to you separately.

For logged in users, the following documents are now available:   Documents in Advance    White Papers    Gold Papers

Further details will be provided here as they become available.


Event Details

Event Type: 
National Gatherings
. .
New Zealand

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