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Library Catalogue

The YM Quaker Library

The YM Quaker Library books are listed in three ways: sorted by author, sorted by title and sorted by series.

Click on the link to view the version you want.

How to search within a listing

  1. Open the list you want to search
  2. Click ctrl+F on PC or ⌘F on Mac
  3. Enter search word(s) and use the arrows to get to the results.  The results will be highlighted in a colour.  Click on X in the search box to close.


The Wellington Monthly Meeting Quaker Library and Catalogue

There is a library in Friends House, Moncrieff Street, which is available for members, attenders and enquirers to borrow. 

For those out of town, requests can be mailed to Librarian, c/- Friends House, Moncrieff St, Wellington or emailed to wn.library@quaker.org.nz

The collection has about 1000 titles, built up over many years, and with a wide variety of topics there is something for everyone! Our librarian regularly adds to and updates the collection.

See Library News for an update on new books, which are on the New Books shelf display until a new batch comes after which they are shelved in their subject area*.  Another bookshelf displays items that have been recommended by a f/Friend to read.  If you have any that you’d like to add, or a recommendation to make please let the librarian know: wn.library@quaker.org.nz

View on-line catalogue here