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Quaker Learning & Spiritual Development


Quaker Learning and Spiritual Development

The Quaker Learning and Spiritual Development Committee promotes Quaker learning and spiritual development within the Yearly Meeting.  Its activities include planning the year’s Settlement Seminars (with the Seminar Committee), assisting Friends with Travelling in the Ministry, assisting Monthly Meetings with the Spiritual Nurture programme, supporting Yearly Meeting in session, and working with other Yearly Meeting Committees, Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups to facilitate engagement with spiritual nurture and education resources.  Link to main committee page here 

A key document that informs the work of QLSD is Report on Friend's consultation on our future educational and spiritual needs


George Fox's​ birthday 2024


Whanganui Settlement Seminars​


Woodbrooke (UK) Online Education Courses

Quaker Faith and Practice 

Our ANZ Quaker Faith and Practice contains writings from New Zealand Friends. The Quaker Faith and Practice from Britain, covers writings from Quakers since the 1650s as well as the British equivalent of our Quaker handbook here.


Prayer Support Themes


Pendle Hill (USA) Online Courses, Lectures, Pamphlets, Books, and Podcasts


Silver Wattle Quaker Centre Courses (Australia)


Backhouse Lectures (Quakers Australia)


Swarthmore Lectures (Woodbrooke, UK)


Friends Journals (various YMs globally)


New and Recent Quaker Book Reviews (QUIP, USA)


Quaker Quicks (Books)