Our area covers Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt and Wairarapa.
In Quaker terminology "monthly meeting" refers to the Quakers in a geographical area, as well as their periodic meeting for business. So Wellington Quakers is a "monthly meeting", even though we meet for worship at least weekly.
Local Worship Groups
Wellington Quakers includes four worship groups. Click on the following images for information on our activities, or for times and venues:
Children welcome
Children are welcome to our meetings for worship and we have special programmed activities on the second and fourth Sunday each month.
Resident Friends Phone: 04 385 4897
Postal address: Wellington Quakers, 8 Moncrieff Street, Wellington 6011
Email: meeting@wellington.quakers.nz
Clerk: clerk@wn.quakers.nz
Community Links
We are a founding partner of Downtown Community Ministry (DCM Wellington).
Visiting Friends
Overnight accommodation for Visiting Friends at George Fox House next to the Quaker Centre. Contact the Resident Friends on 04 385 4897 or friendscentre@wellington.quakers.nz
Rooms for Hire by Community Groups
Details about the rooms available and how to hire them. Contact the Resident Friends on 04 385 4897 or friendscentre@wellington.quakers.nz
Wellington Quakers Library
The Wellington Quakers Library collection has about 850 titles, built up over very many years. Our librarian regularly adds to and updates the collection.
Wellington Quaker History
- A collection of stories and photographs of Wellington Quaker history.
- Protecting Friends House: The story of its seismic strengthening.